150:[1,#b],164:[1,#b],191:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT FIVE 51. 52 CONTINUED: RICHARD We're a little beyond worrying about your "wants," Jules. We have a serious problem here and we need to stop the whining and concentrate on coming up with a new plan. BASHIR A new plan. Yes, let's come up with a new plan. That's the way we do things in this family isn't it? We don't face our problems, we just come up with new plans. Don't like your job? Move on to the next one. Don't like the law? Find a way to get around it. And whatever you do, don't ever accept responsibility! RICHARD (getting louder) All those gifts, all those accomplishments and you still want to behave like a spoiled child. You better grow up and start taking this seriously or you're going to lose everything! BASHIR (cold) You mean you're going to lose everything. You'll lose the one real accomplishment in your life: me. You said it before -- I'm your legacy, your proud gift to the world. Well, father, your gift is about to be revealed as a fraud, just like you! RICHARD I am still your father, Jules. You will not speak to me like -- BASHIR No, you used to be my father. Now you're my architect -- the man who designed a better son to replace the defective one he was given.