DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT FIVE 50. 51 CONTINUED: QUARK (continuing) I have a new holosuite program. "Vulcan Love Slave, Part Two: The Revenge." This time, it's personal. Rom doesn't really want it, but Quark sets it down and pushes it across the bar. QUARK (continuing) Give it a try... after a few hours... you'll forget all about Leeta. Quark moves off. Rom picks up the isolinear rod and looks at it for a beat... and begins to see what his future is going to look like without Leeta. CUT TO: 52 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS Bashir has just told his parents about the situation. RICHARD Well, we're not going to just take this lying down, that's for sure. I'll arrange legal counsel and we'll fight this all the way to the Federation Supreme Court. BASHIR We can't fight this. RICHARD You better change that attitude right now if you want to hang on to your career. AMSHA Jules, listen to your father. He's trying to help you. BASHIR Neither of you is listening to me. I don't want to drag this through the courts.