DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 50 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Then it's true? You're... BASHIR The word you're looking for is, "unnatural." Meaning "not from nature." "Freak" or "monster" would also be acceptable. Bashir can't meet his eyes and sits down heavily on the couch. The jig is up and there's no running away from who he is any longer. The words come tumbling out of Julian -- it's a story he's never told anyone, but always thought he might, and once he starts, there's a rushed anxious quality to the tale as if he's glad to finally say it. BASHIR I was six. Small for my age. A bit awkward physically. And... not very bright. In the first grade, while the other children were learning how to read and write and use a computer... I was still trying to tell a dog from a cat and a tree from a house. (beat) I didn't really understand what was happening... I knew that I wasn't doing as well as my classmates... there were so many concepts they took for granted that I couldn't begin to master... but I didn't know why. All I knew was that I was... a great disappointment to my parents. (beat) I'm not sure when they made the decision, but just before my seventh birthday we left Earth for Adigeon Prime. (beat) At first, I remember being excited at seeing all the aliens in the hospital. But then they gave me a room... and started the treatments... and my entire world began to change...