DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT THREE 36. 44 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR So... you're doing "landscape architecture" now... AMSHA It's all he can talk about. You should see the stacks of drawings in our house. It's like living in a drafting studio. RICHARD Some very important people have expressed interest in my park designs. I have several good prospects on the horizon. BASHIR You always have "good prospects." But they always seem to stay just over that horizon. Richard looks up at him sharply and the tension level in the room rises another notch. Once again, Amsha steps in. AMSHA Maybe you should tell us about these interviews we're doing tomorrow, Jules. What kind of questions will they ask? BASHIR As I understand it, Doctor Zimmerman is trying to build a complete psychological profile of me. So he'll be asking you all sorts of questions. (glancing at Richard) You should try to keep your answers as brief and to the point as you can. You don't want to give him any openings to probe into... awkward areas. RICHARD (blase) I'm sure we can handle it. BASHIR Please don't take this lightly. You're going to be asked some very detailed questions about my childhood and if you're not careful...