DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT THREE 31 41 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 42 INT. LEETA'S QUARTERS - LIVING AREA The door CHIMES. Leeta comes out of the bedroom wearing a towel and drying her hair with another towel The door CHIMES again. She OPENS the door, revealing Zimmerman standing in the corridor, carrying a large bouquet of FLOWERS. He reacts to her appearance. ZIMMERMAN Catch you at a bad time? LEETA (smiling) It's never a bad time for flowers. Come on in. Zimmerman ENTERS and she heads for her bedroom. LEETA Can you find a place for those while I change? ZIMMERMAN Of course. Leeta EXITS to her bedroom while Zimmerman arranges the flowers in a nearby vase.