14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Continuous from Act Two. SISKO I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko. Welcome to Deep Space Nine. AMSHA Thank you, Captain. It's a pleasure to finally see where Jules works. RICHARD We've wanted to come before, but my schedule's been so busy up until now -- I'm sure you know what it's like. SISKO All too well. DAX What is it you do, Mister Bashir? For some reason, Bashir seems a little uncomfortable with the question, as if he's not sure what the answer is going to be. RICHARD Oh, I've done many things. At the moment, I'm involved in landscape architecture -- designing parks and public spaces mostly. I love working on projects that will be enjoyed by thousands of people long after I'm gone. They're my legacy, my gift to succeeding generations. (with obvious pride) Aside from Jules here, of course. The praise from his father only succeeds in making Bashir uncomfortable, but Dax and Sisko don't pick up on it. SISKO You must be very proud of your son.