158:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT TWO 27. 38 CONTINUED: DAX I'm sorry to interrupt... but there're a couple of visitors here looking for Julian. And I thought he might want to see them right away. SISKO Send them in. Dax waves to someone outside the office and then two middle-aged humans ENTER. The man is short, dumpy, and always has a faintly disapproving air about him even when he's happy. The woman is even shorter than her husband, with darker features, and somewhat plump. We'll learn that their names are RICHARD and AMSHA BASHIR -- Julian's parents. Bashir jumps to his feet in shock. They both smile at him warmly. BASHIR Oh, my God. AMSHA Hello, Jules... RICHARD Jules. Amsha hugs Bashir and then there's a moment of silence until Bashir recovers. BASHIR Uh... captain, allow me to introduce... Amsha and Richard Bashir... my parents. Off Sisko's surprised expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO