14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 5 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO is listening to Zimmerman explain why he's here. Bashir is sitting nearby and obviously knows what's going on and is excited. ZIMMERMAN (to Sisko) You're familiar, of course, with the Emergency Medical Holographic Program? SISKO I've heard of it. (remembering) It's a hologram designed to... provide assistance... during emergencies in Sickbay. ZIMMERMAN It does much more than "provide assistance." BASHIR The holographic doctor can literally replace a starship's medical officer during an emergency. ZIMMERMAN I'm surprised you don't have one on the station. SISKO The station facilities are Cardassian in origin. Much of our equipment is incompatible with Federation technology.