DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: ROM It's perfect. She's about to go on her break, and when she does, she'll come over here to say "hi" to me... (almost glowing) ... like she always does... and that's when I'll do it. QUARK What are you going to say? ROM I'm just going to say it. QUARK Okay, let's hear it. Quark leans on the bar and looks Rom in the eyes. Rom suddenly becomes nervous even on this dry run. ROM (fumbling) I... uh... Leeta, would you... like... maybe to... one night... soon... to... maybe... QUARK You're a regular poet, Rom. ROM I can do better. QUARK Prove it. Quark nods toward Leeta who is walking over to the bar. Rom tenses.