DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT FIVE 49. 103 INT. CRAWLSPACE - NIGHT Garak continues to work. GARAK Doctor, would you please keep the noise down. I'm trying to work in here. 104 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT 104 Bashir grabs a gun. BASHIR How many transtator circuits do you have left? 104A INT. CRAWLSPACE - NIGHT Garak switches a circuit. GARAK Three. 104B INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT 104B Bashir and the Female Romulan try to hide the lone Jem'Hadar body. BASHIR Well work fast. Pretty soon we're going to be up to our necks in Jem'Hadar. 105 EXT. INTERNMENT CENTER - YARD - NIGHT Worf is thrown to the ground by Ikat'ika. For a beat, he just lays there and it looks like he won't be getting up. But then he begins dragging himself toward the post. Ikat'ika leans over and puts a restraining hand on his shoulder.