DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 87 INT. CRAWLSPACE Hearing the signal, Garak stops working and stays as still as possible. He closes his eyes and tries not to let his fears overwhelm him. 88 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Bashir and the Female Romulan are both assuming more relaxed postures as three Jem'Hadar Soldiers, storm into the room. JEM'HADAR OFFICER The Cardassian. Where is he? BASHIR Outside, I suppose. A Jem'Hadar clobbers Bashir with his rifle, knocking him to the ground. JEM'HADAR OFFICER He's not outside. The two other Jem'Hadar begin offhandedly checking out the barracks, overturning the beds, spilling the foot lockers, etc. 89 INT. CRAWLSPACE From Garak's reaction, we can tell he hears this. He turns back to his work, sensing it's now or never. BASHIR (O.S.) (very muffled) What do you want with him? 90 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Bashir glances at the Jem'Hadar who are searching the room. They're about to flip over the bed in front of Garak's wall. JEM'HADAR OFFICER He is to be put to death. SECOND JEM'HADAR Sir. The Second Jem'Hadar holds up the metal tool, which he's found while searching the beds. The Jem'Hadar officer takes it and then kneels down next to Bashir and holds the tool up to his face.