DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 82 INT. BARRACKS- NIGHT Bashir is seated on the bed that blocks the entrance to the hole. The two Romulans are at the door. The Breen still hasn't moved. Bashir looks tense and preoccupied. He's worried about Garak. 83 INT. CRAWLSPACE Garak maneuvers to get to a particularly hard-to-reach relay. After straining, he manages to just get it. He pauses to take some deep breaths to steady his nerves, then looks suspiciously at the light (which is now working again). 84 EXT. INTERNMENT CENTER - YARD - NIGHT As Worf and Ikat'ika fight. This should be a grueling, desperate battle between two very formidable fighters. But Worf, who's suffering the cumulative effects of his previous fights, is definitely getting the worst of it. 85 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT As Bashir continues to wait. 86 NEW ANGLE As the Female Romulan steps away from the door. FEMALE ROMULAN Jem'Hadar. BASHIR Can we get him out? FEMALE ROMULAN No time. Bashir bangs twice on the wall...