87:[1,#b],116:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 81 CONTINUED: WORF First they demand we come out here, then they make us wait. MARTOK They are worthy fighters, but they have no sense of honor. Just then, Ikat'ika ENTERS the yard accompanied by Deyos. The Jem'Hadar steps into the ring. WORF Is there no Jem'Hadar willing to face me? DEYOS (to Ikat'ika) Fascinating. Even after all he's been through, the Klingon still thirsts for battle. Doesn't he ever tire of it? IKAT'IKA I never do. DEYOS You fight because that's what you were designed to do. All that motivates him is some barbaric sense of honor. IKAT'IKA And that is something you will never understand. (to Worf) Prepare yourself. I've found you a worthy opponent. WORF Where is he? IKAT'IKA Right in front of you. Worf nods. Like Ikat'ika, he's been waiting for this. IKAT'IKA Victory is life. The Jem'Hadar hits his post. WORF Today is a good day to die. Worf hits his too and with that, the battle is joined.