DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT THREE 27. 62 CONTINUED: IKAT'IKA Until tomorrow. Ikat'ika turns on his heels and walks away. WORF I'll be waiting. 63 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Bashir examines Worf, feeling his torso for injuries. It's low-tech, but effective. Martok watches Bashir work while the male Romulan keeps an eye on the courtyard and the Breen sits impassively and stares into space. BASHIR You've got three broken ribs... maybe four. WORF They will heal. BASHIR Not if you keep fighting they won't. You're lucky you didn't puncture a lung. A body, even a Klingon body, can only take so much punishment. WORF I will fight. MARTOK It is the only honorable thing to do. BASHIR (to Martok) He'll lose. And in this condition, he might even die. WORF Then I will die. But I will not yield. MARTOK You heard him. Now bandage his ribs. Worf starts taking off his uniform. It's a painful process.