13:[2,#b],157:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 60 EXT. INTERNMENT CENTER - YARD - NIGHT We open close on Worf as he takes a hard punch to the face and goes flying, landing hard on his back. He's momentarily stunned. 61 NEW ANGLE To reveal that Worf is once again involved in a "training exercise" with the Jem'Hadar guards. However, this time he's up against a bigger, more imposing opponent, and things aren't going well. Martok and Ikat'ika are among the spectators. 62 ANGLE ON WORF Who slowly gets to his feet, reaches over, and touches the post, indicating he's willing to continue fighting. The moment he touches the post, his Jem'Hadar opponent, smelling victory, attacks him from behind. He grabs Worf in a chokehold and starts to lift the Klingon off the ground, but suddenly Worf shifts his weight, flinging the Jem'Hadar over his hip and right into the post. The Jem'Hadar is stunned and Worf doesn't give him time to regain his balance. He's all over the Jem'Hadar with a nasty combination of punches and kicks that pound the Jem'Hadar into the ground. Worf steps back and the Jem'Hadar lays there, motionless. He won't be touching any posts for a while. Worf, his adrenaline flowing, lets out a roar of triumph. Martok embraces him in a congratulatory hug. He looks over his shoulder at Ikat'ika. MARTOK Five matches. Five victories. (to Worf) You truly have the spirit of Kahless within you. But Worf's gaze remains locked on Ikat'ika. It's a defiant, challenging glare, but Ikat'ika doesn't seem fazed. He nods at Worf, acknowledging his victory, but he's clearly convinced that Worf's time will come.