DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - ACT TWO 21. 50 CONTINUED: Bashir considers this for a beat, then nods. BASHIR Rest for five minutes. And from here on in you take a fifteen minute break every hour. Doctor's orders. Garak nods and we... CUT TO: 51 EXT. INTERNMENT CENTER - YARD - NIGHT Worf and the Wiry Jem'Hadar are locked together, wrestling for position. They both look pretty banged up. Finally Worf is able to break the hold, and hits the Wiry Jem'Hadar with a devastating kick and punch combination. The Wiry Jem'Hadar is barely able to tap the pillar, but as he turns to continue their fight, Worf hits him with another combination and he goes down. Worf turns defiantly to Ikat'ika. WORF Was that the best you have to offer? IKAT'IKA (unconcerned) He was our youngest and least experienced. I promise, your next opponent will provide more of a challenge. Ikat'ika turns his back on Worf and walks away. The other Jem'Hadar pick up the Wiry Jem'Hadar and EXIT. 52 CLOSE ON WORF His warrior blood running hot. CUT TO: 53 INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL ZIYAL stands by one of the windows, staring off into space. Kira comes up behind her. KIRA The view's even better from Upper Pylon Two. Ziyal turns to Kira.