105:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inferno's Light" - REV. 12/17/96 - TEASER 4. 9 CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) For the past few months, I've been conducting secret negotiations between the Dominion and Cardassia. And as of last week, Cardassia has agreed to become part of the Dominion. Kira can't believe what she's hearing. KIRA You can't be serious. DUKAT (on viewscreen) Good-bye, Major. (smiles) You and I on the same side. It never seemed quite right, did it? The viewscreen goes dead. KIRA (snap decision) Lock phasers. open fire. DAX Too late. He's gone. And as Kira reacts to this, we... 10 thru OMITTED 11 FADE OUT. END OF TEASER