DEEP SPACE NINE: "In Purgatory's... " - REV. 12/04/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 70 OMITTED 71 EXT. DOMINION INTERNMENT CENTER - NIGHT Bashir and Garak walk between the barracks and talk quietly among themselves. Garak is a bitter man at the moment. And he is venting that bitterness in front of his friend. GARAK I never should've come here. I should've let that monster die alone and forgotten. Bashir tries to lighten the moment. BASHIR Frankly, I'm glad you came. (smiles) Misery loves company. But Garak isn't in the mood for jokes. GARAK My whole life, I've done nothing but try to please that man. I let him mold me, turn me into a mirror image of himself. And how did he repay me? With exile. But I forgave him. And now, here at the end, I thought maybe, just maybe, he could forgive me. BASHIR From what I've seen of him in the last month, he doesn't come across as the forgiving type. GARAK I was a fool. Let this be a lesson to you, doctor... perhaps the most valuable I can teach you... Sentiment is the greatest weakness of all. BASHIR If that's true, then it's a lesson I don't want to learn. Just then, Martok enters the courtyard. He has a grim look about him.