DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 40 CONTINUED: A moment as this sinks in, then Odo pushes his way past Bashir into -- 40A INT. INFIRMARY where Mora is waiting for him. He puts a comforting hand to Odo's shoulder... a beat, then Odo moves to look at the goo... 41 NEW ANGLE as Odo approaches the goo, which is barely moving now. 42 CLOSE - ODO as he looks down at it, anguished. A moment, then he reaches down and out of frame. 43 NEW ANGLE Odo has taken the goo into his cupped hands... its movement is ebbing, its life is slipping away... ODO (softly) Please, don't die... there's so much I want to show you. I was going to teach you how to become a Tarkalean Hawk... remember? As he looks down at it, the goo stops moving... 44 OMITTED 45 WIDER (OPTICAL) A moment, then the goo suddenly ABSORBS itself into the palms of Odo's hands. A beat as Odo looks down at his now empty hands in confusion and amazement. Bashir immediately flips open his TRICORDER. MORA (to Odo) What happened, where did it go? BASHIR (off tricorder) It somehow integrated itself into Odo's body...