164:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 28. 15 CONTINUED: (2) ODO You're just dying to get me into one of your contraptions, aren't you? MORA I'm trying to help. ODO I'm not about to submit myself to another round of your experiments. MORA Everything I did to you was for your own good. True, some of the tests I subjected you to proved inconclusive -- ODO The vacuum chamber springs to mind, the cytoplasmic separator... and come to think of it, the protein decompiler, too -- MORA How could I know until I tried? By the Prophets, Odo, I wasn't even sure you were a lifeform. ODO I wasn't sure about you either. MORA Once I realized you were sentient, the Cardassians wanted to know everything about you. I was under enormous pressure to get results. (with pride) And I did. My techniques worked. The fact that you're standing here whining about them is proof. ODO You enjoyed watching me suffer. MORA Do you really believe that? How pathetic. If it weren't for me, you'd still be sitting on a shelf somewhere, in a beaker labeled "unknown sample."