DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 7. Bashir nods, gestures to a NURSE. As they prepare to work on the goo, Odo and Sisko move off to the other room. SISKO Are you sure it's no danger to us, Constable? ODO (nods) When I was first discovered, I didn't know what I was, or have any memory of where I came from. I didn't even know I had the ability to mimic other forms. Sisko takes this in, but something about it strikes him as odd. SISKO Why would the Founders send such helpless creatures out into space? ODO To find out if the species they encountered posed any threat. What better way to gauge another race than to see how it treats the weak and vulnerable? SISKO I see your point. Sisko considers for a beat... SISKO How long will it be before the changeling's able to take humanoid form? ODO Several months. Why? SISKO There's a lot about your people we still don't know. The changeling could provide Starfleet with invaluable information about the Dominion.