DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 46 CONTINUED: (6) He falls to the ground, dead. Kira looks at him for a moment, catching her breath and sagging against the workbench. CUT TO: 47 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) In orbit around the barren planet seen earlier. 48 INT. SILARAN'S HOUSE (OPTICAL) Sisko, Bashir and Odo MATERIALIZE in the room. Everyone, except Odo, has a phaser out and ready. They scan the room quickly, then relax when they see... 49 ANGLE - KIRA Sitting on a chair looking down at the dead body of Silaran. She glances up at them as they move to her. Bashir whips out his tricorder and gives her a quick scan. ODO Are you all right? She nods. BASHIR (off tricorder) She's fine. But there's a large amount of merfadon in her system. SISKO Merfadon? BASHIR It's a sedative... but the makara herbs she's been taking have counteracted the effects. Kira still hasn't made eye contact with anyone. SISKO (re: Silaran) I take it this is our assassin? She nods again. ODO (to Kira) Why did he give you a sedative?