23:[4,#b],217:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 46 CONTINUED: (4) KIRA What does that mean? (silence) What does that mean? SILARAN'S VOICE The creature's diseased mind cannot understand its plight... its imagination is too limited to perceive the truth. It cannot be saved. But there is still hope for its child. It can be taken from the womb and raised in the light. A chill runs down Kira's spine as she realizes what he's planning to do. A note of desperation now creeps into her voice. KIRA Silaran, listen to me. The child I'm carrying isn't Bajoran, it's Human. It has unique medical needs. If you try to force me to give birth now you risk-- SILARAN'S VOICE The creature's cries grow louder, but no one can hear them. All that remains is to bring the child into the light... and discard the diseased carcass of the mother... before it can infect the offspring. KIRA You can't bring it into the light! Not yet! Doctor Bashir said I needed at least three more weeks before-- Kira breaks off as Silaran pushes a cart bearing various medical DEVICES into the pool of light near the chair. KIRA We both agree that this baby is an innocent. Don't put him at risk. Please, Silaran. SILARAN Don't worry. I promise that I'll take care of the child... and that I'll teach him the difference between darkness and light.