DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 37 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (Cont'd) I was so afraid that the others would see me and think I was nervous, that I kept biting my fingers to keep the blood flowing. (beat) We must've been out there for three, four hours before the skimmer appeared and set down right where Furel said it would. And when the hatch opened and that first Cardassian stepped out, I just started firing. And I didn't stop until I'd discharged the entire power cell. (beat) When it was over, I was so relieved that I didn't let anyone down that I was almost giddy. Furel kept telling me to stop grinning, that it made me look even younger, but I couldn't help it. I was one of them -- I was in the Resistance. (beat, re: earring) Lupaza made this for me... out of some metal from that skimmer... A quiet beat as Kira squeezes the earring in her hand and fights back the grief. KIRA How were they killed? ODO Someone attached a small hunter probe to the hull of a Talavian freighter. When the ship docked at the station, the probe detached itself and then began a visual scan of every room in the Habitat Ring. (beat) Once the probe found its assigned targets, it attached itself to the window, and exploded. KIRA (nods) Do you have any leads?