DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT THREE 35. 35 CONTINUED: Dax and Kira exchange a look. DAX I make it a policy never to argue with someone's lobes. KIRA Okay... let's say these are composite messages. Does that help us? DAX Maybe. (starts working) Since the first word in all three messages is the same, let's assume that it's simply been copied three times. That gives me a reference to begin screening out the electronic interference. On the computer screen, we see the voice print analysis now focus in on the first word of all three messages. It's a graphic of jagged lines and symbols. The graphics on the screen start changing and a single voice print begins to emerge from the mess. Dax hits a control and we hear the voice again... but this time there's less distortion than before. SCRAMBLED VOICE That's... that's... that's. that's... that's... (continues throughout)