DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: (5) KIRA The Occupation is over... we can't just go around fighting private wars. Times have changed... and we have to change with them. Leave this to the authorities. Furel and Lupaza can't believe what they're hearing... they exchange a frustrated look, but then Lupaza decides not to push it. LUPAZA Maybe you feel that way now. But trust me... when you find out who's killed Latha, and Fala, and now maybe Mobara... you're not going to want to leave it to someone else. You're going to want him dead... and you're going to want us to do it. There's a great deal of truth to that and Kira knows it. But at the moment, she wants to avoid that issue. KIRA Maybe. But we're not at that point yet. There's an awkward pause and Kira decides to change the subject. KIRA What's in the box? LUPAZA It's for you. KIRA For me... ? Lupaza picks it up and hands it to Kira who gives them the "you shouldn't have" look then opens the lid. Inside are bundles of fresh herbs. Kira reacts, not happy about seeing these foul-tasting plants, but not wanting to show it. KIRA Makara herbs... ?