DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT THREE 28. 31 CONTINUED: FUREL I could say the same thing. Creeping into a dark room like that with a phaser... KIRA I live here! LUPAZA (re: Brilgar) What about him? KIRA His name is Lieutenant Brilgar. He's part of station security -- here to protect me. LUPAZA Oh. (to Brilgar) Sorry. She lets him get up. Brilgar stands up warily and Lupaza gives him back his phaser. BRILGAR You know these people, major? KIRA I'm afraid so. This is Furel and Lupaza. We were in the same Resistance cell. FUREL Brilgar. Sorry about the... BRILGAR (rubbing his neck) Yeah. I'll be outside if you need me, major. KIRA Thank you. Brilgar gives Furel and Lupaza a last look and then EXITS. KIRA How did you get in here? We just installed a new security system.