100:[1,#b],106:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT TWO 18. 19 CONTINUED: SCRAMBLED VOICE (repeats throughout) That's two. Kira realizes it's coming from Quark's. She quickly moves to the window. 19A NEW ANGLE Revealing QUARK behind the bar, puzzling over a Cardassian PADD, which is the source of the scrambled voice. KIRA Quark! What is that? Quark gives a guilty start and turns to face her. QUARK Major. Hello. I was just about to call you. I... found this PADD in a shipment of Saurian Brandy that I just received. It was coded for you, and... somehow I accidently activated it. KIRA Give it to me. Quark quickly hands over the PADD. 20 thru OMITTED 21 22 INSERT - ON PADD (OPTICAL) which shows a file photo of Trentin Fala while the scrambled voice continues to repeat. SCRAMBLED VOICE That's two... that's two... that's two... 23 ON KIRA As she reacts with growing fury to the message. SCRAMBLED VOICE That's two... that's two... that's two... CUT TO: