DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT ONE 12 ANGLE ON ENGINEERING STATION (OPTICAL) As Kira ACTIVATES the monitor and Fala appears on the screenagain. KIRA I'm alone. And no one here will trace your signal. That seems to calm Fala down a little, but she's still pretty anxious. FALA You heard about Latha? They killed him -- as he knelt in prayer, they killed him! KIRA I know. The authorities are investigating right now. FALA They're going to kill me too, Nerys. They've been watching me. KIRA Who's been watching you? FALA I don't know. But I can feel it. I need to get out of here... go somewhere safe. Please, Nerys, you have to help me -- you always promised that you'd help! KIRA All right, calm down. I'll protect you. You can stay here on the station until this is over. Fala nods nervously. KIRA (continuing) Two of our officers are returning this afternoon from Starbase Sixty- three. I'll reroute them to Bajor and have them pick you up. Okay? Finally Fala seems to relax a little. FALA Okay.