14:[5,#b],24:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness. . . 11 - REV. 11/01/96 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Darkness and the Light" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. BAJORAN CAVERN A place of meeting and meditation somewhere on Bajor. The cavern floor is spotless stone and there are a few simple religious ARTIFACTS around the cavern, including a suspended CANDLEHOLDER which is UNLIT at the moment. Five N.D. Bajoran Monks are sitting down cross-legged on the floor around the artifacts in a position of contemplation. Once they've settled, LATHA MABRIN ENTERS the cavern. LATHA I am Vedek Latha Mabrin and I welcome you to the Calash Retreat. Today we begin prayer and meditation in preparation for the Days of Atonement. May the Prophets walk with us as we begin our journey. Latha sits on the floor inside the circle of Monks and picks up a long ceremonial LIGHTER. He then leans forward and uses it to light the long WICK of the candle. The wick is more like a matchstick in that it burns down quickly into the opaque glass base of the candleholder itself. As the wick burns down, Latha takes his seat on the floor, and closes his eyes in meditation. The other Monks close their eyes as well. 2 INSERT - THE CANDLE The wick burns down into the glass base. When the flame disappears from view, there is a beat and then there seems to be a different series of several wicks inside the holder hidden from view which are now lit, giving a new flickering look to the glass base. 3 WIDER (OPTICAL) The Monks are deep in prayer when the candle holder suddenly sends out SIX GLOWING BEAMS OF LIGHT. Each beam focuses on the chest of a different Monk.