DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT FOUR 41. 46 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN With all due respect, Major, I'd rather see Julian take care of him. KIRA Chief, I know you're worried. But the Prophets are leading the Emissary on this path for a reason... Kira gets support from an unexpected quarter. WORF Do not attempt to convince them, Major. They cannot understand. DAX Since when did you believe in the Prophets? WORF What I believe in is faith. Without it there can be no victory. If the captain's faith is strong, he will prevail. DAX That's not much to bet his life on. KIRA You're wrong. Faith is everything. O'Brien and Dax exchange a worried look. O'BRIEN I hope you're right, major... I hope you're right. And off their shared look of concern -- CUT TO: 47 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Dark. Sisko is kneeling before an Orb tabernacle placed atop an altar-like shrine. Kai Winn kneels nearby, quietly mouthing a prayer. WINN ... he asks for your guidance. Let him see with your eyes. Lift the veil of darkness that obscures his path.