DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ascent" - REV. 10/14/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 67 INT. DEFIANT - MEDICAL BAY The lights are low. The patients are supposed to be sleeping. Quark is lying in one bed, Odo's in the other. 68 CLOSE ON QUARK As he stares at the ceiling. QUARK Odo? You awake? 69 NEW ANGLE To include Odo. ODO I am now. QUARK We survived. ODO We did. QUARK I bet you were surprised that I actually made it all the way to the top. ODO Astounded. Something's obviously eating at Quark. QUARK You remember back there, when I said I hated you? ODO Vividly? QUARK I just wanted you to know... I meant every word of it. Odo smiles to himself. ODO So did I. Quark looks relieved.