DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ascent" - REV. 10/14/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 61 EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - HIGHER UP - DAY Close on Quark trudging along, face into a blustery wind. He looks cold, miserable, and exhausted to the point of death. He staggers, then falls, facefirst, onto the ground. After a beat, he staggers to his feet and resumes his death march. 62 EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY It's nearly dark. Odo is lying on his back, unconscious. He slowly comes awake. ODO (calling out weakly) Quark? There's no answer. ODO (as strong as he can) Quark? Still nothing. Odo lays there for a beat, then hits his combadge. ODO Begin recording. Chief of Security's log, final entry. It looks like Quark didn't make it. I can't say I'm surprised. You'll find his body farther up the slope. No doubt, he'd want you to vacuum-desiccate his remains and auction them off. Not that they're worth anything. As for myself... Odo pauses. He never really thought about how he wanted to be buried before. ODO (dismissive) Cremate me, stick my ashes in my bucket, and shoot me through the wormhole. I may as well end up where I began. (thinks it over) Or better yet... But before he can finish the thought...