DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ascent" - REV. 10/14/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 55 CONTINUED: QUARK Don't you understand? I can't do it. I'm half frozen and I haven't eaten for two days. My muscles won't work anymore. There's no answer from Odo. QUARK Odo? Finally Quark forces himself to sit up so he can face Odo. QUARK Well say something. ODO What's there to say? If we stay here, we're dead. QUARK I can't go any farther. With a groan, Odo forces himself to turn over on his stomach. ODO If Sisko were here, do you think he'd give up? Or Worf? Or Dax? QUARK They're not here. ODO That's right. It's just us. Odo makes a decision. ODO Give me the transmitter. QUARK What for? ODO I said, give it to me. Quark takes off the transmitter and drops it in front of Odo. Odo shoves the transmitter a few inches ahead of him, and then drags his body up to it. QUARK What are you doing?