DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ascent" - REV. 10/14/96 - ACT THREE 36. 36 CONTINUED: ODO It's just another stone. Quark grunts in frustration. QUARK I can't believe it. We've been walking for two days and we haven't seen a single beetle. (a beat) I could really go for a beetle right now. Any kind of beetle, just as long as it had a little meat on it. The thought is distinctly unappetizing to Odo. ODO There are no beetles, Quark. QUARK A nice slug would do. ODO There're no slugs, either. No slugs, no beetles, no worms, no snails. There's nothing here but trees and rocks and we can't eat any of it. QUARK If I collapse from hunger, you're going to have to carry me and the transmitter. ODO You're not going to collapse. We're almost to the tree line. After that, we'll only have a few hours of climbing left before we can set up the transmitter. QUARK A few hours? You mean like three? ODO More like six. Quark thinks it over. QUARK I can do six. Seven might be pushing it, but six I can do.