DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ascent" - REV. 10/14/96 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: QUARK Ten slips of latinum ought to do it. ROM (re: the root beer) You think he'd mind if I had one for myself? QUARK I'd mind. My own brother drinking root beer. It's so... Human. Rom opens a bottle and takes a generous swig. ROM Mmmm... And bubbly. The door CHIMES again. ROM That's him, that's him. Quark rolls his eyes. QUARK Rom. Rom smiles. ROM Just kidding. (to the door) Come in. 3 NEW ANGLE As the door opens and ODO ENTERS, looking very pleased with himself. QUARK Wrong again. ROM Constable. Care for a root beer? ODO No. But you do have something I want.