74:[1,#b],76:[1,#b],79:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 51. 58 CONTINUED: (2) THRAX ... so why not accept it? If the Bajoran people accepted their place in history, none of this would've happened. ODO We're talking about the attempt on Gul Dukat's life, not the socio- political ramifications of the Resistance. THRAX It's all part of the same problem. When your people resort to terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order... against stability... against the rule of law, and that must stop. Odo sits back, studies Thrax for a moment... finds something disquieting in his arguments. ODO There's more to life than... the rule of law. THRAX It's been my observation that only the guilty make that kind of statement. Odo gets up, very agitated, finally decides he has no choice... ODO I didn't want to tell you this... I don't know what the consequences will be... but we're not terrorists. We're not even Bajorans. There's been a temporal displacement of some kind. We're from the future... we don't belong in this time. Thrax has taken this in without batting at eye. Now he leans closer to Odo and studies him calmly. THRAX (simply) I know.