13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 48 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL Odo, Sisko and Garak are in one of the holding cells. The other cells are overflowing with Bajoran Prisoners and there's a continuous babble of talk in the b.g. Garak looks out at the other prisoners with a disdainful eye, while Sisko is systematically checking over the cell walls on the off chance that he'll find a weakness. Odo is in a funk, staring down at the floor, lost in his own despair. GARAK You'd think they'd put us in our own cell block, instead of with the common criminals. After all, we're accused of attempting to assassinate the station commander. That deserves some respect. SISKO Maybe they'll salute when they execute us. Thrax ENTERS the holding area, carrying a PADD and accompanied by two Cardassian Guards. The Bajoran prisoners immediately begin SHOUTING at him and trying to get his attention. PRISONERS (overlapping) Please, listen to me!... I'm innocent... can I get something to eat... if I can get to an advocate, I can explain... I didn't steal anything... won't you hear my story?... listen to me, please... I wasn't there, I can prove it... we need water... listen to me... please, please... etc. THRAX (over the din) Settle down! Quiet, quiet please! They quiet down and Thrax looks over his PADD.