46:[1,#b],50:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: ODO It's simple and effective. SISKO And they used it for years, right under the noses of the Cardassians. Garak sees someone coming down the Promenade toward them. GARAK Not under my nose, Captain... under his. Odo and Sisko turn to see... 38 DUKAT ENTERING the Bajoran sector through the gate. After a beat, Dax follows him through the gate. 39 RESUME SISKO'S TABLE The Bajorans in the b.g. have noticed Dukat's appearance as well, and they watch him with fear and loathing. SISKO (quiet) At least Dax is all right... GARAK (re: Dukat) Look at him. The Commander of Terok Nor. Just another swaggering, self-important Gul with too much vanity and not enough ability. Sisko glances up at the second level. SISKO Maybe. But he's no fool. 40 ON THE SECOND LEVEL Two armed Cardassian Guards discreetly prowl the upper level, their eyes watching the crowd and Dukat.