84:[1,#b],92:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 30. 36 CONTINUED: ODO (uncomfortable) Yes. GARAK Something's wrong. Thrax was talking about a Captain Livara... SISKO That name mean something to you? GARAK Livara wasn't just another smuggler... he was a Romulan spy and he didn't begin working in this sector until seven years ago. But seven years ago, Thrax wasn't on Terok Nor -- (to Odo) -- you were. An odd contradiction. (re: comlink) So I checked the date. This is seven years ago. Thrax shouldn't be here. You should be the Security Chief. ODO None of this makes sense, Garak. Now I suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of here. That's our priority. SISKO I tend to agree. GARAK You'll get no argument from me -- the question is, how?