DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT TWO 20. 25 INSERT - EXTREME CLOSE UP ON DEVICE (OPTICAL) on the Cardassian monitor screen we can now see an ID picture of a Bajoran in his late thirties with Cardassian information scrolling next to it. GARAK'S VOICE (continuing) ... you're thirty-eight years old... you have no criminal record... your family resides in Rakantha province... 26 RESUME SCENE GARAK (continuing) ... and your name is Ishan Chaye. At the mention of this name, Odo's eyes widen slightly. Garak works the device again and points it at himself. GARAK Oh, lucky me. I'm an artist. 27 INSERT - EXTREME CLOSE UP ON DEVICE (OPTICAL) Now there's a picture of another Bajoran man in his late fifties. GARAK'S VOICE I'm fifty-five... been arrested three times for disturbing the peace -- I must be incorrigible -- I also come from Rakantha... 28 RESUME SCENE GARAK ... and my name is Jillur Gueta. Odo can't believe what he's hearing -- this is literally a nightmare coming true for him. SISKO (to Garak) And the Constable? GARAK (working device) Let's see... Ah. His profession is --