139:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: ODO My predecessor... ? (realizing) Oh. Yes. The man talking to Dukat. His name is Thrax. He was in charge of security on the Promenade before me. DAX Then that means we've gone back at least nine years. Odo nods absently, his mind still haunted by the encounter with Timor. Two Cardassian SOLDIERS with phaser rifles suddenly appear at their side without warning. SOLDIER (to Dax) You. Come with us. Sisko immediately steps between the soldiers and Dax. SISKO What's she done? SOLDIER Nothing. (with a smirk) Yet. Come on. He takes Dax by the arm, but now Garak joins Sisko. GARAK Perhaps there's been some misunderstanding. If I may be so bold -- you may find something which will bring you infinitely more profit than the arrest of a Bajoran woman.