102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE - 13 CONTINUED: GARAK I should be getting some attention too... we're in the Bajoran sector... Cardassians weren't exactly welcome here. He suddenly steps out in front of an N.D. Bajoran man walking along. GARAK. (arrogant) Out of my way. The man simply shoves Garak aside and moves on. Garak turns to the others, his mind racing. GARAK A Bajoran would never touch a Cardassian during the Occupation. At least, not publicly. SISKO I don't think they see you as a Cardassian. And I'm beginning to think they don't see any of us as who we really are. GARAK The clothes we're wearing are Bajoran... and they're treating us like Bajorans... SISKO Maybe they see us as Bajorans. Any theories, old man? DAX (reaching) Some kind of... cross-dimensional transfer? Our conscious minds might've been moved through time and space into the bodies of four Bajorans on Terok Nor. GARAK But then why do we still see each other as we really are instead of as Bajorans? DAX I just ran out of speculation. During all of the above, Odo is looking around and lost in a private nightmare that only he knows about.