149:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He ... " - REV. 09/23/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 65 CONTINUED: She EXITS. DAX (to Worf) So what do we do now? She means about their relationship. But for a change, Worf does not feel like discussing anything. WORF Now... (looks at the sky) We watch the sun set. Dax smiles. DAX I have a better idea. Let's go for a swim. Worf grimaces. That wouldn't be his activity of choice. But now that he and Dax are getting along again, he's not going to ruin it for them. He reaches up and begins to strip off his uniform. Suddenly he stops -- WORF I don't have a bathing suit. DAX (smiling) I won't tell if you won't. They exchange a smile. CUT TO: 66 EXT. RISA - TEMTIBI LAGOON - DAY (MATTE) As the sun goes down on Risa, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END