DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He ... " - REV. 09/23/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 63 CONTINUED: FULLERTON Mister Worf, I suggest you all get off this planet as soon as possible. I have no wish to see you or your friends harmed. DAX (a quiet threat) Give us the uplink or the only person who'll be "harmed" is you. Worf steps in front of Fullerton. The earth shakes. Fullerton realizes that he doesn't have much choice and signals his followers not to resist. Worf takes the uplink and adjusts it. The quaking STOPS. FULLERTON I thought you were one of us. WORF Perhaps I was... for a time. But I believe the Federation will survive the Dominion, the Borg... and even people like you. Worf turns to go, but Fullerton steps in front of him. FULLERTON If you walk out of here now, you'll be turning your back on the Federation. Don't you see, overindulgence, lack of self-control, they'll destroy everything we hold dear. And you'll be responsible. WORF You say we have to return to traditional Federation values? I agree. But one of those values is trust. It is "Essential," we remember that. Worf heads for the door, along with Dax but Fullerton grabs him and spins him around. FULLERTON Don't you walk away from me. Infuriated, Fullerton punches Worf. Worf barely flinches. He smiles, then lifts Fullerton up and tosses him across the room. Fullerton sprawls on the floor.