DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He ... " - REV. 09/23/96 - ACT THREE 35. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Arandis glances toward an attractive (and half-naked) Risian man who's helping to clean up the Solarium. DAX I wish it was that simple. ARANDIS It was for Curzon Dax. And I can tell, there's more than a little Curzon in you. DAX He really loved this planet. ARANDIS (a fond memory) And Risa loved him. Dax tries to snap out of her doldrums. DAX Why don't I give you a hand cleaning up? Arandis smiles appreciatively. She could use the help. ARANDIS All that is ours is yours. And with a shared smile, Dax pitches in with the repairs. 41 EXT. RISA - TEMTIBI LAGOON - DAY Bashir and Leeta and kneeling in front of each other, looking into each other's eyes with fondness. They're in the middle of the Bajoran Rite of Separation. LEETA (reciting the ceremony) Our paths have grown apart. She takes a drink from a shallow bowl, then hands it to Bashir. BASHIR (also reciting) What was one is now two. He also takes a sip.