125:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He... " - REV. 09/23/96 - ACT TWO 29. 27 CONTINUED: (2) WORF No. Only the ones that mean something. Suddenly we hear a loud commotion, the sounds of things breaking and tables being over turned. 28 CLOSE ON WORF AND DAX As they react to the sound. They both leap to their feet and push aside their curtain and see... 29 NEW ANGLE A group of Essentialists carrying phaser rifles bursts into the Solarium. They begin intimidating guests and pulling down the curtains. One of the Essentialists, Fullerton's BOLIAN AIDE, levels a phaser rifle at Dax and Worf. BOLIAN AIDE Stay where you are. 30 CLOSE ON DAX AND WORF As they react to this threat we. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO