DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He ... " - REV. 09/23/96 - ACT TWO 25. 25 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Am I wrong, or have we just been insulted? FULLERTON Somehow the citizens of the Federation have come to believe that they're entitled to lives of ease and privilege. If you want something to eat, you get it from a replicator. If you want amusement, you go to a holosuite. And if you need protection, you call for Starfleet. But someday, someday soon, you're going to have to learn to take care of yourselves. Worf nods his agreement. FULLERTON Because if I see you as helpless children, then how do you think the Borg see you? Or the Romulans? Or the Klingons or the Dominion? These empires look at the Federation and they see a prize, a prize we've forgotten how to protect. And if we don't change our ways, they're going to take it from us. There's a general murmur from the crowd. Some people begin drifting away while others argue about Fullerton's point. ARANDIS Mister Fullerton certainly has a flair for the dramatic. BASHIR (to Dax) Does he really believe that? DAX I think he does. Fullerton continues to speak. FULLERTON The way I see it, we've got two options. We can either turn our backs on childish things and re- embrace the hard work that built the Federation in the first place...