DEEP SPACE NINE: "Let He... " - REV. 09/23/96 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: SISKO What is that, the eighth muscle pull this month? ODO Actually, I believe Commander Dax has been treated for seven muscle pulls, two contusions, and three cracked ribs. The only person who's spent more time in the Infirmary in the past few weeks is Commander Worf. SISKO Isn't there any way for the two of you to... you know... DAX Make love? SISKO ... without injuring yourselves? DAX Interspecies romance isn't without it's dangers. That's part of the fun. (brightens) Maybe we'll have better luck on Risa. SISKO Risa? I thought you and Worf were going to take your vacation on Earth. DAX That was Worf's suggestion. I changed his mind. ODO From what I hear, Risa makes the Hoobishan Baths look like a monastery. SISKO I hope they have a good hospital. (smiles) I can't believe you actually convinced Worf to go to a pleasure planet with you. He must really be loosening up.