DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Assign... " - REV. 09/12/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 61 O'BRIEN bounces from his seat into the aft bulkhead supports. He hangs on, looks over at his wife. Reaches out... O'BRIEN (screams) Keiko! 62 KEIKO (OPTICAL) Her eyes bulge, her jaw slams open as every muscle in her body contracts at once, and a crackling ENERGY AURA dances all over her body as she suddenly goes limp and falls. 63 O'BRIEN crouches protectively over Keiko's body as wisps of smoke waft through the craft. The runabout settles down. O'Brien cradles his unconscious wife. 64 KEIKO opens her eyes. O'Brien looks deep into them... these eyes are filled with tears and life -- these are the eyes of his wife. KEIKO Miles? 65 ON BOTH Hold their moment as O'Brien embraces his wife and fights back his own tears. 66 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR The airlock door opens, revealing Sisko and a SECURITY SQUAD. An irritated Odo rubs his jaw. 67 O'BRIEN AND KEIKO emerge from the airlock, arms around each other. Bashir steps forward, begins a scan of Keiko, who looks worn out. Sisko stares grimly. SISKO You have some explaining to do, Chief. O'Brien nods, smiling at his wife.